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Cisco – Anterix Collaboration Boosts Utility 900 MHz Private Broadband Options
By now you’ve heard about the Anterix Active Ecosystem (AAEP) program, where leading technology companies have come together to support 900 MHz private broadband networks. As a charter member of the AAEP in May of 2021, Cisco helped lead the charge to shape the future of private wireless broadband for electric utilities. Now, Anterix and Cisco have progressed to an even more collaborative relationship that stands to turbocharge ecosystem growth.
This new relationship underscores the importance of 900 MHz private broadband not only as a critical platform solution, but also as the underlying technology for a promising commercial market that will drive utility solutions. Cisco is a global leader in industrial routing, switching and security for grid modernization initiatives, including LTE endpoints supporting applications of distribution automation, substation automation, renewables, AMI, field area networking and fleet management. These endpoints enable pervasive monitoring and control of energy transmission and distribution networks to help enhance energy delivery and build a low-carbon society.
Faced with changing environmental, consumer and regulatory conditions, utilities across the nation are looking for opportunities to continuously improve system reliability, resilience, and security. These modern grid enhancements are reliant on a modernized communications platform that will be built upon ecosystem collaborations like this with Anterix-Cisco. As critical infrastructure enterprises driving that transition, utilities’ ability to implement their own stringent security and reliability requirements across a private network that they control will be key. The Anterix-Cisco relationship can help accelerate the deployment of these networks.
This new collaboration can also help the nation achieve its climate goals. Utilities must modernize their grids to enable the shift of generation to distributed, renewable energy resources that the stated climate goals around decarbonization require. The combination of Cisco’s leading-edge endpoints and Anterix’s “beach front” spectrum will be a powerful accelerator for utilities seeking the private wireless broadband networks required to make grid modernization possible.
To learn more about the Cisco – Anterix relationship, please join a Cisco-hosted webinar that features Anterix’s Mar Tarres today, Thursday January 27, at 12:00 noon EST. You can register at:
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